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achieve more than just

physical health

achieve more than just

physical health

About Kinesis

passion with power of physiotherapy

At Kinesis Clinic, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and attention to each and every one of our patients. Our team of highly skilled practitioners in Dubai are passionate about health and have a deep commitment to supporting you achieve your goals.

Who we are

passion with power of physiotherapy

At Kinesis Clinic, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and attention to each and every one of our patients. Our team of highly skilled practitioners in Dubai are passionate about health and have a deep commitment to supporting you achieve your goals.

we are here to help you

live your best life



We offer a range of customized treatment plans and exercises to help you regain strength, flexibility and function.

From therapeutic exercises to manual therapy and functional training, we use the latest techniques and technologies to help you achieve your goals.



We believe that wellness is a journey,and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or looking to improve your overall health, our team of experts is here to help you reach your goals and live a happy, healthy, and active life. ​



We believe that recovery is not just about treating the symptoms,but also addressing the root causes of your condition.

That’s why we take a holistic approach to your care, focusing on your overall health and wellbeing as well as your recovery.​


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